Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Antsy about Seceding... Virginia calls for a Peace Conference

Seceding from the Union wasn't an easy task for the Southern States. It wasn't something they woke up one morning and decided to do. The politicians of the time took great steps in keeping the peace. Virginia even called for a Peace Conference. Here are a few facts that lead up to this.

January 7, 1861 Virginia calls a special session of its Assembly to consider convening a convention on the question of secession.

January 14, 1861 Virginia Assembly approves a convention to consider secession.

January 19, 1861 Virginia calls for a peace conference.
Washington Peace Convention - "old gentleman's convention" a last ditch effort to end the growing turmoil peaceably. Although 22 states did send representatives, the states of the Deep South, which were meeting at the Convention of Seceding States, refused to send delegates to the convention.

February 4, 1861 Elections in Virginia create a pro-Union secessionist convention

February 13, 1861 In Richmond, former President John Tyler and former Virginia governor Henry Wise lead the notables who meet for the first time as Virginia's secessionist convention.

April 3, 1861 A "test vote" in the Virginia convention shows a 2-1 margin against secession

April 4, 1861 Virginia's Secessionist Convention votes 80-45 against secession.

April 17, 1861 Virginia Secession Convention approves the wording of a referendum of secession and calls for a popular vote to approve it.

April 23, 1861 Virginia Secessionist Convention ratifies a temporary union with the Confederacy and accepts the Southern Constitution, subject to approval of the ordnance of secession

May 23, 1861 Virginia ratifies the Secessionist Convention referendum by a vote of 132,201 to 37,451

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