Monday, September 14, 2009

Planting the Seed to Romance

Linda Howard did a workshop a few years back (okay almost 12 now I suppose) on the 12 steps to Intimacy. In the next several installments of this blog I'd like to explore those steps in relevance to Romance in Bloom.

Step 1: Eye Contact
Without seeing we may never notice that someone special who has walked into a crowded room, stumbled on the sidewalk, or even bumped their way into a crowded subway car causing that steaming cup of Starbucks to spill all over your favorite blouse. In fact, without our sight we'd miss a darn lot of what goes on in the world. But it takes a trained eye to really see what is going on in front of our noses sometimes.

Lucky for us readers we have authors out there who spend hours upon hours slaving over the computer keyboard making sure we see that first glance between the hero and heroine. Will it be a shy and timid look, or a bold and lusty 'I dare you to ignore me' glance? The possibilites are endless.

Making eye contact with another can be very intimate. Our eyes can be windows to our souls and exposing our feelings and emotions in the way we look or react to another human being or situation.

The sense of sight is a very useful tool How do you use it to your advantage as a writer? Do you notice how others use it when you are reading?

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