Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chatting with Author Donna Wright

Today I'm please to have with us fellow author Donna Wright. Welcome, Donna and thank you for joining me here at my blog. I have a few questions I'd like to ask you if you don't mind me putting you in the hot seat for a few moments.

1. What made you decide to become a writer?

Writers get asked that all the time, and the truth is that we all have our own reasons. I just knew that every life should have a happy ending and I always-always wanted every story to have a romance. That’s how I got into the writing and especially the romance.

2. How long did it take you to get published? How did it happen?

Although I had been writing all my life, I joined RWA and Smoky Mountain Romance Writers. That was in 1997. I got serious, started finishing things and entering contests. I entered a contest sponsored by SMRW and won. I then was requested, finished the book, and sold four Avalon books because of that.

3. They say hind sight is 20/20. Looking back on your career as a published author, is there anything you’d do differently?

I would write every second possible. Wish I was taking that advise even now.

4. What advice would you give to others pursuing a writing career?

Two things: Write and be careful. Epubs are now legit publishing as we all know, but know who you’re dealing with and walk into every contract with your eyes wide open.

5. Will you share with us how you come up with your story ideas?

I almost always start with a hero (a tv actor, movie actor, singer) and think: what can I get into with him? Stories evolve from there. I always also have the heroines in mind the same way, but start with the heroes.

6. Do you belong to a writers group and/or critique group?

Both. Mostly online critique, because I live outside of the metropolis, so to speak. But, I love my local RWA chapter.

7. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I don’t plan ahead, I’m a panster!

8. Where can readers find you on the internet?

Donnawrightsbooks.com, look for me on Facebook, and my blog, the Romance Rag.

9. Do you currently have anything you are working on? If so, do you feel comfortable telling us a little about it?

I have a possible Intrigue I’m working on.

10. What are your most recent releases? Where can readers get these?

Go to donnawrightsbooks.com and you can find out from there.

Thanks again Donna for stopping by. I hope you will come again and tell us more indepth about your stories. Maybe bring a character or two along.

Until next time, keep writing and reading!

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